K Laser Treatments

K-Laser Laser therapy was developed thirty years ago in Europe and with the latest technological advancements provided by KLaser USA; Laser therapy may provide dramatic results for patients. Laser Therapy has proven to bio stimulate tissue, decrease inflammation, enhance repair and growth and pain. See what patients are saying about this treatment here: K-Laser testimonials

Learn More About K Laser in the video below …

Details from k-laser.com regarding treatments are Listed Below:

Laser therapy has been used in Europe for over 30 years.

“Laser therapy devices are class III lasers or “cold” lasers.  Their power ranges are in the range of 5 milliwatts to 500 milliwatts.  The K-laser is a high-powered therapy device ranging up to 6000 milliwatts; however, the K-laser is power adjustable from 100 milliwatts to 6000 milliwatts allowing for a wide range of treatment protocols. This power and penetration of the K-Laser system is not attainable with cold laser devices.”

“Usually ten to fifteen sessions are sufficient to achieve a treatment goal.  These sessions may be scheduled at two to three times per week for short duration treatment, or one to two treatments per week with longer treatment protocols. The Class IV high powered K-Laser is extremely safe provided it is applied by a K-Laser certified, properly trained professional. However, it is not used over the eyes due to the sensitivity of the retina; therefore, all patients wear protective safety glasses during the treatment.”

“The K-Laser should be painless and have no side effects when applied by a K-Laser certified, properly trained professional. During treatment, the patient experiences a gentle warming effect, and at many times a profound feeling of relaxation.”

“The primary mechanism of laser therapy is photobiomodulation. Thermal effects are one component of high power laser therapy; however the stimulation of cells and tissue repair is based on scientific research that has demonstrated positive physiological effects of infrared wavelengths on cellular organelles and electron chain molecules. Coherence of laser has a greater penetration ability and higher therapeutic value than non coherent light, although wavelengths specific to photobiomodulation will provide a therapeutic application regardless of the source. The K-laser therapy system however provides high-power laser in specific wavelengths that dramatically decrease treatment times and improve deep tissue penetration. Faster treatment time is a great benefit to the busy practitioner.”

For More Information On How K-Laser Can Benefit You Call Utah Valley Chiropractic Today!

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